Determine the indicator's value by using the methodology described in detail in FANTA’s very practical and easy-to-use Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Indicator Guide. The main steps involve:
1) Conducting individual interviews with the heads of a representative sample of your target households, asking them:
> nine “occurrence” questions representing a generally increasing level of severity of food insecurity (e.g. “In the past four weeks, did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food?”)
> nine “frequency-of-occurrence” questions that are asked as a follow-up to each occurrence question to determine how often the situation occurred (“How often did this happen?”)
These questions, alongside all details on their use, are described in the HFIAS Guide.
2) Use the guidance provided in chapter 5.4 of the HFIAS Guide (especially in Table 5) to categorize each household participating in the household as:
- Food secure
- Mildly food insecure
- Moderately food insecure
- Severely food insecure
3) Sum up the number of moderately and severely food insecure households.
4) To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of moderately and severely food insecure households by the total number of interviewed households. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.