Peacebuilding initiative

Indicator Phrasing

number of communities that have started a peacebuilding initiative as a result of their training

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: number of communities that have started a peacebuilding initiative as a result of their training

What is its purpose?

To monitor how many communites have set up peacebuilding structures, processes or activities following their participation in peacebuilding training such as the community conflict transformation dialogues in order to assess how the training has impacted on their actual practices and behaviour

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

As part of the initial training community peacebuilding champions should have been identified.  These will usually be the people that are facilitating the community conflict transformation dialogues.  Lead PB trainers should follow up with these local champions and gather dtaa on activities that have taken place since the training and the completion of the conflict transformation dialogues.

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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