Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) List all the promoted methods for safe storage of harvested staple crops.
2) Decide how many methods a respondent needs to know to be considered as “aware of the promoted methods for safe storage” – for example, at least 2 out of 3 methods (ensure that the baseline and endline surveys use the same benchmark – e.g. always 2 out of 3 methods).
3) Conduct individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members, collecting the following data:
Q1: Can you please tell me all the ways in which people can safely store their harvested staple crops, such as [specify the types of staple crops] so that they are protected from pests and diseases? Please mention all the methods you know and explain to me how they work. (keep probing: “What other methods do you know?”)
A1: pre-define all relevant storage methods + include option “other – specify: ……………….”
4) Count the number of respondents who knew the minimum number of the safe storage methods promoted by the project (e.g. at least 2 out of 3 methods).
5) To calculate the indicator’s value:
- Divide the number of respondents who knew the minimum number of safe storage methods by the total number of respondents
- Multiply the resulting number by 100 to convert it to a percentage
- Multiply the percentage by the total number of the target group members
- The resulting number is the “number of target group members aware of the promoted methods for safe storage of their harvested staple crops”
See example: 150 respondents knowing the minimum number of safe storage methods divided by a total of 300 interviewed respondents equals 0.5. This multiplied by 100 equals 50%. If the total number of the target group members is 1,000, then 50% out of 1,000 households equals to 500 target group members knowing the minimum number of safe storage methods.