G5: Participants

Indicator Phrasing

The number # of individuals that have taken part in processes, initiatives and projects related to RPS objectives that have been supported by Tearfund (termed beneficiaries on TRACK)
nombre de personnes qui bénéficient directement du programme de Tearfund ou des programmes de réconciliation des organismes partenaires

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: The number # of individuals that have taken part in processes, initiatives and projects related to RPS objectives that have been supported by Tearfund (termed beneficiaries on TRACK)

Français: nombre de personnes qui bénéficient directement du programme de Tearfund ou des programmes de réconciliation des organismes partenaires

What is its purpose?

To track the number of people that have directly benefited from a RPS corporate priority related activities

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

This should be collated from the attendance records/lists from the relevant training courses, workshops, dialogues or events. Add up the number of participants in RPS related activities supported by Tearfund. Avoid double counting. An individual that has attended more than one activity should only be counted once and not multiple times for the number of activities they may have attended.

Disaggregate by

Gender and agre group as standard although additional social identity markers can also be used.

Important Comments

This feeds global impact indicator 1: Number of people reached

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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