O2.1 Active networks

Indicator Phrasing

Number of peacebuilding, gender, SGBV or advocacy networks set up and still active
nombre de réseaux de reconciliation créés et toujours actifs

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of peacebuilding, gender, SGBV or advocacy networks set up and still active

Français: nombre de réseaux de reconciliation créés et toujours actifs

What is its purpose?

To assess the extent to which local and regional thematic movements such as peacebuilding, gender, SGBV or advocacy are being created through the development of networks

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Review of project records and network social media channels.

Networks are generally formed following peacebuilding or other thematic training or a gathering of thematic champions.  The network will also usually be connected through a  social media platform such as whats app.   Training records should identify the creation of a network and the type of social media account being used by them to communicate.  To assess whether the network is active project staff shoud review the social media platform to see if it is still being used and estimate from the messages the level of activity of the group.

Disaggregate by

Location and thematic subject area

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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