G3: Active champions

Indicator Phrasing

Percentage of those trained in RPS corporate priority related skills such as peacebuilding or gender, that are conducting RPS related activities in their communities
% des personnes formées en réconciliation qui mènent des activités de réconciliation dans leurs communautés

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percentage of those trained in RPS corporate priority related skills such as peacebuilding or gender, that are conducting RPS related activities in their communities

Français: % des personnes formées en réconciliation qui mènent des activités de réconciliation dans leurs communautés

What is its purpose?

To assess the extent to which those trained are putting their new skills and knowledge into practice.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

This will require ongoing accompaniment and follow up with those trained who should be asked to highlight what use they have made of their training. 

Of the activists that have been trained, follow up a random selection of at least 15 in each category (age group, gender and other identity marker relevant to the project such as faith group or ethnic affiliation) to identify the proportion that have applied their training. You can then take this as an indication of the overall number that remain active. So if you find that 4 of the 15 women and 7 of the 15 men trained that you followed up with went on to train others then you can assume that 37% of those trained ((4+7)/(15+15)) are active champions

Disaggregate by

Gender and age-group as standard but additional social identify markers such as faith or ethnic affiliation can also be used.

Important Comments

For peacebuilding activists trained on the 5 day conflict transformation course the usual next step would be to facilitate the community conflict transformation dialogues within their communities or for gender champions to facilitate the transforming masculinities dialogues.  However depending on context other peacebuilding or RPS related activities would also count.

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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