V7: Physical violence

Indicator Phrasing

Percentage of people in project area who have suffered from physical violence within the last 12 months perpetrated by someone outside of the household
% de personnes dans la région du projet qui ont subi des violences physiques au cours des 4 derniers mois perpétrées par une personne ne faisant pas partie du ménage

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percentage of people in project area who have suffered from physical violence within the last 12 months perpetrated by someone outside of the household

Français: % de personnes dans la région du projet qui ont subi des violences physiques au cours des 4 derniers mois perpétrées par une personne ne faisant pas partie du ménage

What is its purpose?

To assess the level of violence within a community as a means of tracking the overall security of an area

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collected as part of a community survey.  Possible survey question could be:

  • 'In the last year have you personally experienced physical violence, such as being hit or beaten by someone?' 

If the answer is yes a follow up question should be asked to identify whether this was by someone from within the household or someone outside.  This helps to differentiate between levels of domestic violence and violence taking place in the wider community.  


For analysis a simpe percentage should be taken of the number of respondents reporting that they have experienced violence.  Care should be taken in deciding whether this percentage applies to just those surveyed or whether it can be ascribed to the population as a whole.  This will depend on the design of the survey and whether it was a represnetative sample of the population.

Disaggregate by

Gender and age group as standard.  Depending on context and design the data could also be disaggregated by other relevent social identity markers.

Important Comments

Use the data from this to feed indicator V3

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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