V8: Discrimination

Indicator Phrasing

Percentage of people within an area targeted by the project that have experienced prejudice or discrimination in the last 12 months due to their gender, age, faith, political affiliation, race or ethnic group
% de personnes ayant subi des discriminations au cours des 4 derniers mois en raison de leur appartenance à un groupe religieux, racial ou ethnique

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percentage of people within an area targeted by the project that have experienced prejudice or discrimination in the last 12 months due to their gender, age, faith, political affiliation, race or ethnic group

Français: % de personnes ayant subi des discriminations au cours des 4 derniers mois en raison de leur appartenance à un groupe religieux, racial ou ethnique

What is its purpose?

To assess the level of prejudice or discrimination within a community and help track the situation of those most excluded as a means of assessing the overall level of inclusion and integration with communities

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Usually gathered as part of a community survey.  

Possible survey questions could be:

To what extent do you agree or disagree that in my community the gender / age / faith / ethnicity / political affiliation* of an individual:

  • …affects their chances of being part of the leadership of the community
  • …affects their ability to access government services such as health or education

*Adapt to suit the identity marker that you are interested in


For analysis a simpe percentage should be taken of the number of respondents reporting that they agree or strongly agree with the statement. Care should be taken in deciding whether this percentage applies to just those surveyed or whether it can be ascribed to the population as a whole. This will depend on the design of the survey and whether it was a representative sample of the population.

Disaggregate by

Gender and age group as standard. By combining the question theme with the type of disaggregation you can explore the intersectionality across two identity markers. Depending on context and design the data could also be disaggregated by other relevent social identity markers.

Important Comments

Use the data from this to feed indicator V4

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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