Green Jobs Creation

Indicator Phrasing

number of green long-term jobs created that generate regular income

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: number of green long-term jobs created that generate regular income

What is its purpose?

This indicator shows the extent to which an intervention created green, long-term jobs that generate regular income (i.e. it demonstrates an economic impact). The definitions of “green job”, “long-term job”, and “regular income” are provided in the guidance below.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator’s value using the following methodology:


1) Define what jobs, in the context of your intervention, can count as “green long-term jobs generating regular income”. These should primarily be:


- Green: the jobs can be defined as “green” if they directly contribute to a positive environmental impact (e.g. workers supporting improved solid waste management)

- Long-term: the jobs can be defined as “long-term” if there is a sufficient evidence / likelihood that they will continue for an extended period of time even when the project ends

- Regular income: the jobs can be defined as providing “regular income” if the employees are paid at uniform intervals (e.g. every week or month) for an extended period of time


2) Assess the number of jobs meeting the above listed criteria using interviews with the supported businesses, randomly selected employees, and reviews of relevant documentation (e.g. attendance sheets, payrolls).

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and type of jobs.

Important Comments

1) If you deal with jobs that can be done during a certain season only, you will have to relax the definition of “regular” so that it assesses regularity during the given season only.


2) If you deal with primarily part-time jobs, consider recalculating them to full-time jobs using the full-time equivalent (FTE) methodology. According to this methodology, if a normal working week is 40 hours and a person works 20 hours a week, her/his job counts as 0.5 FTE (20 hours divided by 40 hours = 0.5). Such numbers might give you a more precise understanding of how many “full-time” jobs the intervention contributed to.

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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