There are two ways in which you can determine the value of this indicator. Choose the one that is more relevant to the context of your intervention and your M&E capacities.
1) Assessing People’s Perceptions About the Benefits
If you want to understand whether people living in a given area think that they experienced any benefits as a result of improved waste management, you can conduct individual interviews among a representative sample of the target population. Describe in a very neutral manner the changes in the waste management system that happened and ask people whether they experienced any benefits from it. If so, ask them what benefits they experienced and record (using predefined answer options) the provided responses.
2) Estimating the Benefits
An alternative method is to estimate the number of people who experienced tangible benefits is to use the available data (e.g. number of people whose waste is regularly collected, number of people who gain income from participating in collecting the solid waste, etc.).