Number of SHGs (or VSLAs) HELPED develop

Indicator Phrasing

Number of Self Help Groups (or Village Savings and Loans Associations) helped
To be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of Self Help Groups (or Village Savings and Loans Associations) helped

Français: To be added later

What is its purpose?

To measure the scale of the training and support we are providing to SHGs (VSLAs). This will help us 1) Identify gaps by comparing the number of SHGs helped compared with our estimates of the total number of SHGs recently created by Tearfund with our local partners. 2) To report to the Executive Team through the Strategic Dashboard on the number of SHGs (VSLAs) created and helped. 3) To design and implement more effective systems to help SHGs

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Helping means delivering a substantial programme of training to the SHGs (VSLAs) or assisting them through some other significant means (e.g. rotating loan to recover after a crisis). This help should be other than the help involved in setting up the SHGs (VSLAs). 

Regular communications with SHGs and very small quantities of training (e.g. a half day or day during the time period) do not count as helping for this indicator. 

Training that is entirely delivered through the resources of local partners or other donors (not working through Tearfund) does not count for this indicator. Tearfund must be contributing to the resources for the training programme either through unrestricted or institutional funding or through a signficant in kind contribution e.g. provision of trainers. 

With these criteria in mind it should be possible to count the numbers of SHGs (VSLAs) helped in any given period of time.

Disaggregate by

Number of SHGs / VSLA helped

Disaggregate by different categories of help for SHG (VSLA) development e.g. Business Training, Value Chain and Market Analysis, CCT/CCMP, Women's Economic Empowerment, WASH etc.

Important Comments

It is important not to double count SHGs created and helped. If SHGs have been created in the time period, then do not count them again as having been helped if that help was the training to set them up. If, however, that help was a substantial programme of training or other significant help other than set up training and assistance then it is legitimate to count the SHGs again. 

It would be useful to know what means of developmental help is most dominant and or lacking.

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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