Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Define a limited number (3 - 6) of resilience-strengthening measures that were / will be promoted by the project. Choose those that your project / its beneficiaries perceive to be most effective in strengthening people’s resilience and at the same time are not too difficult to adopt (i.e. a combination of effectiveness and feasibility).
2) Decide on the minimum number (or types) of measures that people have to adopt in order to be considered as “adopting a given number of the promoted resilience-strengthening measures”. For example, at least 3 out of 5 promoted measures.
3) For each measure, specify what exactly it means to adopt the measure – what needs to be done, how, for what purpose, etc. For example, if a project promotes people participating in savings and loan groups, this can mean that a person 1) formally joins the group (i.e. is registered); 2) saves a small amount of money at least every two weeks; and 3) her/his savings for the past 3 months were not lower than 10 USD. These definitions will help the data collectors decide whether the person actually adopted the measure in a way that is likely to contribute to strengthening her/his resilience. Otherwise you risk the possibility that many people appear to have formally adopted a certain measure (e.g. joined a saving group) but the way in which they adopted it has no or very limited impact on strengthening their resilience (e.g. because they have not made any savings).
4) Collect the required information by conducting interviews with the representatives of a representative sample of the target households, assessing whether they (and/or their household members if the responsibilities are shared) adopted any of the promoted measures. If the reply is YES, ask further pre-prepared questions that will help you determine whether the measure has been adopted correctly (see point 3 above). If possible, verify (at least some of) the answers by conducting observations or reviews of relevant documents.
5) To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of households who correctly adopted the minimum number of promoted measures by the total number of respondents / surveyed households. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.