Effective Natural Resources Management System

Indicator Phrasing

number of communities with an effective natural resources management system in place
to be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: number of communities with an effective natural resources management system in place

Français: to be added later

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of communities with an effective system for managing their local natural resources, such as common grazing land and forests.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) In collaboration with the NRM specialists and local stakeholders (i.e. community representatives, farmers, relevant authorities, extension workers, etc.), define when a natural resources management (NRM) system can be perceived as “effective”. When setting such criteria, avoid being overly ambitious. The criteria can include, for example:

- local presence of people with specific roles and responsibilities for NRM

- existence of a clear plan / strategy for the sustainable management of local natural resources

- evidence that the plan / strategy is being implemented

- confirmations by NRM specialists that the implemented actions are effective in protecting local natural resources

- existence of rules agreed with the community members and the extent to which they are respected by the local residents and enforced / monitored by responsible persons

- existence of a non-violent dispute resolution mechanism

When defining these criteria, keep in mind that although some communities do not have a written plan or a formal group for managing natural resources, they might have highly developed informal / verbal agreements that are equally effective. If this is the case in the area where you operate, ensure that such systems are taken into consideration when you define the criteria.


2) Decide whether all or only some criteria need to be met in order for the community to be labelled as having “effective natural resources management system in place”.


3) Conduct observations, reviews of relevant documents and interviews with the key people responsible for / involved in the management of natural resources to identify which of the criteria are met.


4) To calculate the indicator's value, add up the number of communities whose groups follow the minimum number and types of responsibilities (i.e. the communities have an effective natural resources management structure in place). 


This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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