Adequate Menstrual Hygiene Facilities

Indicator Phrasing

Number of schools with access to adequate, safe and private menstrual hygiene facilities for all female students as a result of the project’s support
To be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of schools with access to adequate, safe and private menstrual hygiene facilities for all female students as a result of the project’s support

Français: To be added later

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of schools with appropriate menstrual hygiene facilities as a result of the project’s support. Such facilities allow girls to spend more time in school and to feel more comfortable and self-confident.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Conduct a survey using observations in your target schools:




Q1 for data collectors: Does the school have separate latrines for girls?

A1: yes / no


Q2 for data collectors: Are the latrines reasonably clean?

A2: yes / no


Q3 for data collectors: Can the latrines be locked from inside?

A3: yes / no


Q4 for data collectors: Do the latrines offer sufficient privacy? (i.e. not having any gaps or spaces)

A4: yes / no


Q5 for data collectors: Is water for washing hands available near the latrines?

A5: yes / no


Q6 for data collectors: Do the latrines have covered trash bins for disposal of used sanitary materials?

A6: yes / no


Q7: Is the floor of the latrine washable?

A7: yes / no


The school can be considered as having “adequate menstrual hygiene facilities” if the answers to all seven questions are YES. 


To calculate the indicator's value, sum up the number of schools with adequate menstrual hygiene facilities.



Disaggregate by

To be added later 

Important Comments


1) Consider crosschecking the validity of your conclusions with the girls studying in the assessed schools (through semi-structured interviews or sensitively facilitated focus group discussions).  

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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