Utilisation of Improved Water Services

Indicator Phrasing

Number of individuals directly utilizing improved water services (provided with BHA funding)
Nombre de personnes utilisant directement des services d’eau améliorés fournis (grâce au financement du BHA)

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of individuals directly utilizing improved water services (provided with BHA funding)

Français: Nombre de personnes utilisant directement des services d’eau améliorés fournis (grâce au financement du BHA)

What is its purpose?

People counted as utilizing improved water services are those who, as a direct result of the project, have improved water quality and/or increased water quantity available for drinking, personal hygiene, cooking, or other household uses.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method: representative, population based household survey, including a determination of the quantity of water utilised per day within the home and water quality monitoring data as a determination of water quality within the home. HH survey is the best means to determine if beneficiaries utilize safe water in sufficient volumes in the home. If a household survey and household level water quality testing are not possible, you will need to explain why not, and explain what other means were utilised to determine if households utilised more water and/or better quality water inside the home.
Primary data collection should be utilised to determine if beneficiaries use sufficient quantities of water inside the home and/or use improved water quality inside the home for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, and other household uses.



Household survey questions will need to determine:
Household size (average)
If water is collected from an "improved water source"
How many of each of these different sized containers do you fill with water each day, for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, and other household uses?
Container holding 5 litres [number]
Container holding 10 litres [number]
Container holding 15 litres [number]
Container holding 20 liters [number]
Container holding 25 liters [number]
Quality of water (at least fecal coliform) needs to be tested at each household survey
If a representative household survey is calculated on the basis of the population reached, then the survey results can be extrapolated and applied to the population to quantify the "number of" requirement of this indicator

Disaggregate by


This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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