Household Water Quality with Zero Fecal Coliforms

Indicator Phrasing

Percent of water points developed, repaired or rehabilitated with 0 fecal coliforms per 100 ml sample
Pourcentage des points d’eau aménagés, réparés ou remis en état avec zéro (0) coliformes fécaux par échantillon de 100 ml

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percent of water points developed, repaired or rehabilitated with 0 fecal coliforms per 100 ml sample

Français: Pourcentage des points d’eau aménagés, réparés ou remis en état avec zéro (0) coliformes fécaux par échantillon de 100 ml

What is its purpose?

"This indicator measures the microbiological water quality directly at the water point (i.e. the point of distribution). A ""water point"" is defined as a specific location which is available to the public to collect water for drinking, cooking and hygiene (regardless of the source of water and regardless of the method of extraction). This may include public tapstands, boreholes/tubewells, dug wells and protected springs. ""Fecal coliforms"" refers specifically to thermotolerant coliforms. As thermotolerant coliforms are typically enumerated as colony forming units (CFUs) or Most Probable Number (MPN), for this indicator 0 fecal coliforms = 0 CFU = 0 MPN"

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

The percent is derived by dividing the number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated with zero fecal coliforms per 100 ml sample by the total number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated. Both numerator and denominator are reported as well as the percent.
Numerator - number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated with zero fecal coliforms per 100 ml sample
Denominator - number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated.
The method of reporting this indicator requires undertaking a census of all water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated by the project.
Staff must be trained and proficient to collect, transport, and process water samples. Samples need to be analysed for thermotolerant coliforms using either the membrane filtration method, or the multiple fermentation tube/compartment bag method.



Discuss with Tearfund's Global WASH Specialists if you are constructing distribution networks rather than single point - we will need to agree the number of taps/outlets in the system to be included in the census

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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