Sanitary Conditions of Developed Water Points

Indicator Phrasing

Percent of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated that are clean and protected from contamination
Pourcentage de points d’eau aménagés, réparés ou remis en état qui sont propres et protégés contre la contamination

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percent of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated that are clean and protected from contamination

Français: Pourcentage de points d’eau aménagés, réparés ou remis en état qui sont propres et protégés contre la contamination

What is its purpose?

This indicator provides a measure of the sanitary conditions of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated by the project. For this indicator, a ""water point"" is defined as a specific location which is available to the public to collect water for drinking, cooking, and hygiene (regardless of the source of water and regardless of the method of extraction). This may include public tapstands, boreholes/tubewells, dug wells, and protected springs. To be considered ""clean"" the area within a five metre radius around the water point must be absent of: 1. Human faeces 2. Animal faeces 3. Solid waste 4. Any other substances that may compromise the sanitary condition of the water point For water points that are co-located with a source e.g. boreholes with a handpump, ""protected"" means that 1. The wellhead is raised and covered 2. There is a concrete apron that extends at least one meter beyond the edge of the source 3. The apron drains into a separate soak pit that prevents contamination of the source; 4. There is no standing water; and 5. Where necessary, effective fencing is provided to prevent livestock from coming in contact with the water point and contaminating

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method: to be assessed no earlier than 3 months after the water point has been developed, repaired, or rehabilitated. Contact Tearfund's Global WASH specialists to obtain a sanitary survey template to use to measure this indicator.

Calculation: the percent is derived by the number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated that are clean and protected from contamination divided by the total number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated. Both numerator and denominator are reported as well as the percent.

Numerator: number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated that are clean and protected from contamination

Denominator: number of water points developed, repaired, or rehabilitated




Contact Tearfund's Global WASH specialists to obtain a sanitary survey tool to utilise to measure this indicator

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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