Basic Drinking Water Services in Institutional Settings

Indicator Phrasing

Number of institutional settings gaining access to basic drinking water services (as a result of BHA assistance)
Nombre d’institutions ayant accès à des services d’eau potable de base (grâce à l’assistance du BHA)

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of institutional settings gaining access to basic drinking water services (as a result of BHA assistance)

Français: Nombre d’institutions ayant accès à des services d’eau potable de base (grâce à l’assistance du BHA)

What is its purpose?

Copy of WASH indicators to select from Copy of WASH indicators to select from 100% 10 N22 "Institutional settings" are defined as schools (for children 6 to 18 years) and health facilities (public or private). A "basic drinking water service" is defined as improved sources or delivery points that by nature of their construction or through active intervention are protected from outside contamination, in particular from outside contamination with fecal matter. Drinking water sources meeting these criteria include: Piped drinking water supply on premises Public tap/standpost; Tube well/borehole Protected dug well Protected spring Rainwater; and/or bottled water (when another basic service is used for handwashing, cooking or other basic personal hygiene purposes) "Institutional settings" are defined as schools (for children 6 to 18 years) and health facilities (public or private). A "basic drinking water service" is defined as improved sources or delivery points that by nature of their construction or through active intervention are protected from outside contamination, in particular from outside contamination with fecal matter. Drinking water sources

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

An institution is counted as "gaining access" to a basic drinking water service if the service is either newly established or rehabilitated from a non-functional state as a result of the project, and this institutional did not previously have similar "access"; and the service is on the premises of the institution

Disaggregate by

Type of institution i.e. schools or health facilities

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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