Access to Basic Sanitation Services

Indicator Phrasing

Number of individuals gaining access to a basic sanitation service (as a result of BHA assistance)
Nombre de personnes ayant accès à des services sanitaires de base (grâce à l’aide du BHA)

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of individuals gaining access to a basic sanitation service (as a result of BHA assistance)

Français: Nombre de personnes ayant accès à des services sanitaires de base (grâce à l’aide du BHA)

What is its purpose?

This indicator uses the JMP definition of a ""basic sanitation service"" ""Basic sanitation service"" is a sanitation facility that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact (i.e. an improved sanitation facility) and is not shared with other households. These include: Flush or pour/flush facilities connected to piped sewer systems, septic systems or pit latrines Composting toilet; or Pit or ventilated improved pit latrine (with slab) All other sanitation facilities that do not meet this definition are considered ""unimproved"" Unimproved sanitation includes: flush or pour/flush toilets without a sewer connection; pit latrines without slab; open pit latrines; bucket latrines; or hanging toilets/latrines

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

The project assistance may come in the form of hygiene promotion to generate demand (such as CLTS); it may also come as activities which facilitate access to supplies and services needed to install improved facilities or improvements in the supply chain
Individuals can be counted as "gaining access" if they :
Established (built) a basic sanitation facility during the reporting period; or Rehabilitated a basic sanitation facility from a non-functional or unimproved state during the reporting period . At the end of the project, count only the unique number of individual beneficiaries without double counting, who gained and maintained access to a basic sanitation service. Data is collected via routine monitoring (not a household survey) so you need to ensure your M&E system is set up to capture this data


Not applicable - data needs to be collected via routine monitoring which considers the type of latrine faciliity, whether or not it is shared with other households. A suggestion is to conduct a census of all target households at the start of the project to ensure you know how many HH at the start of the project have a "basic sanitation service", and that you have a system in place for measuring changes at household level. The census could also measure handwashing facilities if you are using this indicator.

Disaggregate by


This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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