Data is collected either through routine monitoring or beneficiary, or population-based baseline/endline survey, with direct observation; secondary data.
Two measurements are required for this indicator:
1. Utilisation of sanitation facilities should be documented either through an observed decrease in open defecation, observed usage of latrines, or household survey data of self-reported behaviours
2. The population benefitting from the sanitation activities must be estimated. A variety of methods are acceptable to estimate the number of individuals served by the sanitation activity. A full counting of beneficiaries, where possible, is likely the most accurate means. This may not be possible in all cases. If a full counting is not possible, a household survey may be necessary in order to calculate average HH size. This can then be multiplied by the number of HH served to obtain an estimate of the number of beneficiaries. Official camp/shelter population data may also be used. Alternatively, a key informant interview with a community leader or local authority who has recently conducted a population survey, or data from a recent census from national records may be used, either to calculate the average HH size and/or the number of HHs served. Detail what sources or processes were used to estimate the number of beneficiaries and/or the number of households.
Routine monitoring, beneficiary or population based survey - Questionnaire to determine utilisation or direct observation of either usage of latrines or a reduction in open defecation
Survey questions:
Q. Where do you and your family members usually go when you want to relieve yourself?
A options - select one only
Own Household latrine
Neighbour's latrine
A community latrine i.e. in the church, market, school
In the open, i.e. field / bush / forest
Latrine block in IDP camp
In the open i.e. river/lake
In the open i.e. by our house / garden
Other (please specify)
Refuse to answer
Secondary data - population data utilised will depend upon the setting and what current data is available. It will also depend upon whether or not HH latrines or communal latrines were constructed. If HH latrines were constructed, then either official population data or a representative average HH size must be determined in order to estimate the number of individual beneficiaries. If communal latrines are constructed, all of the HHs who have regular access to the latrines must somehow be determined. Data sources may be either primary data or secondary data, depending on what data exists and what data is needed to create a realistic estimate of the population served.