Utilisation of Improved Sanitation Facilities

Indicator Phrasing

Percent of target population utilising improved latrines as a result of this project
Pourcentage de la population cible utilisant des latrines améliorées grâce à ce projet

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percent of target population utilising improved latrines as a result of this project

Français: Pourcentage de la population cible utilisant des latrines améliorées grâce à ce projet

What is its purpose?

This indicator is a percentage measure of individuals targeted by the project and who regularly utilise the improved sanitation facilities that were constructed, rehabilitated, or maintained either directly by the project, or constructed by beneficiaries themselves as a result of the activity. In the latter case, this may be the result of the project successfully created communal demand for sanitation facilities. The JMP definition of an ""improved"" latrine is that it hygienicallly separates human excreta from human contact and include: Flush or pour/flush facilities connected to piped sewer systems, septic systems, or pit latrines Composting toilet. Pit or ventilated improved pit latrine (with slab) All other sanitation facilities that do not meet this definition are considered ""unimproved"" and include: flush or pour/flush toilets without a sewer connection; pit latrines without slab; open pit latrines; bucket latrines; hanging toilets/latrines.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Data is collected through a representative population-based household survey, with direct observation.

Two measurements are required for this indicator:
1. Presence of an "improved" latrine which meets JMP definitions and
2.. Evidence (through observation) that the latrine is in use

Calculation: The percent is derived by dividing the number of households using an improved latrine by the total number of households surveyed in the target population.
Numerator: Number of households with an observed latrine meeting "improved" definition and in use
Denominator: Number of households surveyed in the target population

Questionnaire to determine utilisation or direct observation of either usage of latrines or a reduction in open defecation
Survey questions:
Q. Where do you and your family members usually go when you want to relieve yourself?
A options - select one only
Own Household latrine
Neighbour's latrine
A community latrine i.e. in the church, market, school
In the open, i.e. field / bush / forest
Latrine block in IDP camp
In the open i.e. river/lake
In the open i.e. by our house / garden
Other (please specify)
Refuse to answer

Q: Observe - what kind of latrine facility is this (if own household latrine or neighbour's latrine)?
A: select one
Flush to piped sewer system,
Flush to septic tank,
Flush to pit,
Ventilated improved pit latrine with washable slab,
Single or twin-pit latrine with washable slab,
Single or twin-pit latrine with non-washable slab,
Single or twin-pit latrine - no slab,
Composting/eco-san toilet,
Container based sanitation:

Q. Observe - is there evidence that the latrine facility has recently been used:
Unable to observe

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

Propose Improvements