Reduction in Open Defecation Practices

Indicator Phrasing

Percent of households in target areas practicing open defecation
Pourcentage de ménages dans les zones cibles pratiquant la défécation à l’air libre

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percent of households in target areas practicing open defecation

Français: Pourcentage de ménages dans les zones cibles pratiquant la défécation à l’air libre

What is its purpose?

"Open defecation" refers to the practice of defecating in fields, forests, bushes, bodies of water, or other open spaces. Households practising open defecation most often will have no sanitation facility or the sanitation facility is unusable.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method: beneficiary-based representative household survey;
Calculation: the percent is derived by dividing the number of households surveyed indicating that they do not use sanitation facilities by the number of households surveyed
Numerator: number of households surveyed indicating that they do not use sanitation facilities
Denominator: number of households surveyed.



Q: where do you and your family members usually go when you want to relieve yourself?
A - select one of the following:
Own household latrine
Neighbour's latrine
Community latrine
In the open i.e. field / bush / forest / river / lake/ by our house / garden
Latrine block in IDP camp
Other (please specify)
Refuse to answer


Important Comments

You may want to consider also including an observation question, to observe if there is presence of faeces in the household compound

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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