Access to Sanitation Facility and Elimination of Open Defecation

Indicator Phrasing

Number of communities verified as open defecation free (ODF) (as a result of BHA assistance)
Nombre de communautés où il y a « absence défécation à l’air libre » vérifié, (grâce à l’aide du BHA )

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of communities verified as open defecation free (ODF) (as a result of BHA assistance)

Français: Nombre de communautés où il y a « absence défécation à l’air libre » vérifié, (grâce à l’aide du BHA )

What is its purpose?

"Open defecation free"(ODF) status in a community requires that everyone in the community has a designated location for sanitation (regardless of whether it meets the definition of a "basic sanitation facility", is a shared facility or otherwise unimproved) and there is no evidence of open defecation in the community. HOWEVER where higher national standards exist, ODF status should be defined in accordance with national regulations and/or an established system. ODF status must be verified through an established certification process.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Calculation: this is a count of the total number of communities verified as ODF through routine monitoring
Independently verifiable process must be followed, with documentation provided which follows national standards/protocols and feeds into any government monitoring system.

Consider triangulating data with any household surveys which observe any presence of faeces in the living area/compound.

Important Comments

ODF certificates to be produced

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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