Institutions with Basic Sanitation Facilities

Indicator Phrasing

Number of basic sanitation facilities provided in institutional settings (as a result of BHA assistance)
Nombre d’installations sanitaires de base fournies en milieu institutionnel (grâce à l’aide du BHA )

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of basic sanitation facilities provided in institutional settings (as a result of BHA assistance)

Français: Nombre d’installations sanitaires de base fournies en milieu institutionnel (grâce à l’aide du BHA )

What is its purpose?

"""Institutional settings"" are defined as schools (for children 6 to 18 years) and health facilities (public or private). A ""basic sanitation facility"" is one that provides privacy and hygienically separates human excreta from human contact and includes: Flush or pour/flush facility connected to a piped sewer system A septic system or a pit latrine with slab Composting toilets; or Ventilated improved pit latrines (with slab) All other sanitation facilities do not meet the definition of ""basic"" and are considered ""unimproved"". Unimproved sanitation includes: flush or pour/flush toilets without a sewer connection, pit latrines without slab/open pit; bucket latrines, or hanging toilets/latrines"

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

For latrine blocks with several squat holes, the "sanitation facility" count is the number of squat holes in the block. Sanitation facilities that are repaired in order to meet local government standards can be counted. Sanitation facilities counted are only those that have handwashing facilities within or near the toilets and are located on premises of the institution. In school settings, there must be gender-specific sanitation facilities and they must meet country standards regarding the ratio of students per squat hole.



Consider conducting an accessibility audit of sanitation facilities; see also Tearfund's Guidance Note on WASH in Schools for more information on additional features which should be provided in school latrine blocks, especially for girls

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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