Number of Direct Recipients of Hygiene Promotion Interventions

Indicator Phrasing

This indicator is a count of direct recipients of hygiene promotion interventions who received hygiene messaging personally through a household visit or through participating in a group session implemented by the project. People who participated in group sessions and also received household visits must only be counted once. People who received multiple household visits must only be counted once. To be counted in this indicator, the person must have received messaging or behaviour change communication as a means of improving personal or family hygiene behaviours. This indicator does not include: People who did not receive hygiene messages directly from the project People who only received non-food items (NFI) does not count as hygiene promotion
Number of individuals receiving direct hygiene promotion (excluding mass media campaigns and without double-counting)

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: This indicator is a count of direct recipients of hygiene promotion interventions who received hygiene messaging personally through a household visit or through participating in a group session implemented by the project. People who participated in group sessions and also received household visits must only be counted once. People who received multiple household visits must only be counted once. To be counted in this indicator, the person must have received messaging or behaviour change communication as a means of improving personal or family hygiene behaviours. This indicator does not include: People who did not receive hygiene messages directly from the project People who only received non-food items (NFI) does not count as hygiene promotion

Français: Number of individuals receiving direct hygiene promotion (excluding mass media campaigns and without double-counting)

What is its purpose?

Nombre de personnes recevant directement une promotion de l’hygiène (à l’exclusion des campagnes dans les médias média et sans double comptage) Nombre de personnes recevant directement une promotion de l’hygiène (à l’exclusion des campagnes dans les médias média et sans double comptage)

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method - most likely regularly monitoring forms; ideally a register of households and household visits will be kept - and is a way to help prevent double counting.
Tearfund's Global WASH Specialists are available to provide support and suggestions for setting up household registers

Disaggregate by


This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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