Method: beneficiary or population-based survey
Calculation: the percent is derived by dividing the number of survey respondents who demonstrate that they know at least three of the five critical times to wash hands by the total number of people surveyed in the target population. Both numerator and denominator are reported as well as the percent.
Numerator: number of survey respondents who demonstrate that they know at least three of the five critical times to wash hands.
Denominator: Number of people surveyed in the target population.
NOTE - if you are responding to a particular public health outbreak (such as Covid-19) there may be additional critical times to wash hands - you will need to take these occasions into account with this indicator, and with the survey question/responses; in some contexts there may be additional religious requirements which are mentioned
Q: Can you please tell me all of the occasions when you believe it is most important to wash your hands? Do not read answers, just check all that are mentioned, there is no need to register any other occasions given by the survey respondent
After defecating/using the toilet
Before eating
After changing a baby's diaper, or cleaning a child's bottom
Before cooking or preparing food
Before breastfeeding or feeding an infant