Method: beneficiary or population-based survey
Calculation: the percent is derived by dividing the number of survey respondents who state that they used a latrine the last time they defecated by the total number of people surveyed in the target population. Both numerator and denominator are reported as well as the percent.
Numerator: number of survey respondents who state that they used a latrine the last time they defecated
Denominator: number of individuals surveyed in target population
Q: Where do you and your family members usually go when you want to relieve yourself?
A: select one only
Own household latrine A neighbour's latrine A community latrine i.e. in the church, market, school
In the open i.e. field / bush / forest / river / lake/ by our house / garden Latrine block in IDP camp
Other (please specify) Refuse to answer
Q: Observe - what kind of latrine facility is this (if own household latrine or neighbour's latrine)?
A: select one
Flush to piped sewer system,
Flush to septic tank,
Flush to pit,
Ventilated improved pit latrine with washable slab,
Single or twin-pit latrine with washable slab,
Single or twin-pit latrine with non-washable slab,
Single or twin-pit latrine - no slab,
Composting/eco-san toilet,
Container based sanitation:
Q: Did you personally use that latrine the last time you needed to relieve yourself? By "relieve yourself" we mean "defecate"
A: select one
Prefer not to say