Early Menstruation Education for Girls

Indicator Phrasing

% of females who know about menstruation prior to menarche
% de femmes qui connaissent leurs règles avant les premières règles

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: % of females who know about menstruation prior to menarche

Français: % de femmes qui connaissent leurs règles avant les premières règles

What is its purpose?

In studies across contexts, being unaware of menstruation prior to the first menstrual period is associated with distress. Menstrual health requires accurate and timely knowledge about menstruation. This indicator captures the minimal level of timely knowledge that girls should receive prior to their first period to support MHH. Knowledge of menstruation prior to menarche can suggest that girls have received information from parents or school.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

This indicator only captures girls’ self-reported awareness of menstruation prior to menarche, and does not capture whether they had accurate information or comprehensive education. It does not ask if girls felt prepared for menarche. The accuracy of knowledge, and preparation for menarche, may represent more advanced criteria and future indicators could address these concepts.
Numerator: Number of post-menarcheal girls reporting they knew about menstruation before their first menstrual period.
Denominator: Total number of post-menarcheal girls surveyed


Q: Before you had your first menstrual period, did you know about menstruation?
A options:
Don't remember

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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