Distribution of WASH Non-Food Items (NFIs)

Indicator Phrasing

Total number of individuals receiving WASH NFIs assistance through all modalities (without double counting)
Nombre total de personnes bénéficiant d’une aide de produits non alimentaires en WASH -Eau Assainissement et Hygiène, selon toutes les modalités (sans double comptage)

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Total number of individuals receiving WASH NFIs assistance through all modalities (without double counting)

Français: Nombre total de personnes bénéficiant d’une aide de produits non alimentaires en WASH -Eau Assainissement et Hygiène, selon toutes les modalités (sans double comptage)

What is its purpose?

WASH NFIs: direct distribution of hygiene items, hygiene kits, cash or vouchers. Examples of WASH NFIs include (but are not limited to): water transport/storage containers, soap, materials for anal cleansing, miscellaneous hygiene items (shampoo, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail clippers, etc.), menstrual hygiene management materials, diapers, cleaning materials and products. Modality: direct distribution, voucher, or cash.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method: Routine monitoring
The number of individuals may be estimated in a variety of ways depending upon the context and the means of increasing access to NFIs.
If direct distributions take place, records of the number of families or individuals receiving NFIs should be available. An average household size may need to be estimated, which can be done using either primary or secondary data.
If cash or vouchers are distributed to households or individuals, records of cash/voucher distributions will be necessary, as well as an estimate of household size, determined through primary or secondary data.
Describe what data sources were used to determine an average household size if used to estimate the number of individual beneficiaries.

Disaggregate by

Female/male based on census data/household survey data

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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