Household Satisfaction with WASH NFIs

Indicator Phrasing

Percent of households reporting satisfaction with the contents of the WASH NFIs received through direct distribution (i.e., kits) or vouchers
Pourcentage de ménages se déclarant satisfaits du contenu des produits non alimentaires WASH reçus par distribution directe (c.-à-d. kits) ou bons

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Percent of households reporting satisfaction with the contents of the WASH NFIs received through direct distribution (i.e., kits) or vouchers

Français: Pourcentage de ménages se déclarant satisfaits du contenu des produits non alimentaires WASH reçus par distribution directe (c.-à-d. kits) ou bons

What is its purpose?

This indicator assesses beneficiary households’ satisfaction with the contents of WASH NFIs (non-food items) received. The primary purpose of WASH NFIs is to enable water, sanitation, or hygiene related behaviours. Examples of WASH NFIs include: water transport/storage containers, soap, materials for anal cleansing, miscellaneous hygiene items (shampoo, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail clippers, etc.), menstrual hygiene management materials, diapers, cleaning materials and products. A household is generally defined as one or more people living in shared space (a physical structure or compound) and sharing critical resources such as water, hygiene/sanitation facilities, or food preparation areas. Partners should adapt this household definition to their context to ensure consistency among enumerators.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

A household’s “satisfaction” with the contents will be assessed by interviewing a household member who has direct knowledge of the household’s need for hygiene items and who is aware of the hygiene items received via kits or purchased via a voucher. The contents refers to the variety of WASH NFIs (examples of which are provided above) necessary to fulfill the household’s hygiene needs. To be satisfied with the contents implies that the household was able to obtain the items it deemed necessary to enable safe hygiene behaviors.
Method: Beneficiary-based monitoring survey (e.g., PDM).
Post-distribution monitoring (PDM) using a probability-based representative household survey is the preferred method. If a survey is not feasible, focus group discussions with beneficiaries are acceptable. The sampling frame is limited to those households receiving WASH NFIs either through direct distribution or vouchers, or cash.

Calculation: The percent is derived by dividing the number of households reporting satisfaction with the contents of WASH NFIs by the total number of households surveyed in the target population.

Numerator: Number of households reporting satisfaction with the contents of WASH NFIs received through direct distribution (e.g. kits), vouchers, or cash
Denominator: Number of households surveyed in the target population

Were you satisfied with the variety of hygiene items your household received in the kit (or was able to purchase with the voucher)?
Why or why not?
What additional items would you have liked to receive in the kit (or have included in the voucher)?; and
Were there any items which you did not use? If so, why not?

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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