Churches' Mobilisation for Poverty Reduction

Indicator Phrasing

Number of churches bringing about change in their community
to be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of churches bringing about change in their community

Français: to be added later

What is its purpose?

Demonstrating the scale and impact of CCT through measuring the number of local churches who are actively engaging in a CCT process as a result of mobilisation from a facilitator who was trained as a result of Tearfund funding and/or catalytic influencing from Tearfund; where they are experiencing positive change in the lives of individuals and the wider community

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data


‘Local church' refers to a sustainable community of local Christian believers, who come together to worship, study the bible and pray.

The ‘local church’ may meet in a church building, a community building,  a school hall,  or someone’s home or outside, anywhere where they gather together.

This is the individual local congregation as opposed to denomination. 

Local churches can only be counted as ‘Bringing about change' if the local church group or community report that there have been positive changes in their lives as a result of the CCT process.



Minimum practice - stories of transformation shared by each facilitator every 6 months. This can be written, photos, video or other medium and should be a process where the facilitator supports the church and/or community to reflect on their progress and the most significant change they have seen. This can be shared when the facilitators feedback to coordinators or trainers and should be part of their mentoring journey.

Medium practice.

Facilitators use the Light Wheel to facilitate discussion about holistic wellbeing using the 9 spokes of the Light Wheel. At a focus group discussion the church and community score their progress at the start and then every 6 months using the Light Wheel maturity model .

The facilitator shares feedback with the CCT coordinator or trainer every 6 months, providing the most significant change stories that are identified by the group. (The Light Wheel focus group discussion can work well to provide a framework for discussion in any CCT process and more specifically  complement the church description and community description phase.) 

Recommended best practice: use the Light Wheel

It is recommended to use household surveys, focus groups and observation transect walk with a sample of the church and community members from each sampled location. Ideally this would be done at the start to provide a baseline of the CCT process, and this can be done alongside the church and community description phase.

  • Baseline

Simple Light Wheel Household survey with a sample of church and community members from each location. 

The Household survey is designed to answer holistic indicators already identified for the process (2-3 from each of the nine aspects of wellbeing). These indicators will be tracked throughout the course of the process, alongside the reach indicators

The baseline findings will be shared with the CCT group so that they own their own data, and can use it to help them to understand their situation and priorities better.

  • Midline workshop

The church and/or community can be taken through an exercise in focus group discussions to score the aspects of wellbeing against the maturity model. (This can work well at the community description stage if it is a CCMP process). The community will be thinking about ‘where are we now’ and the church members can see this as their ‘midline’, reflecting on how far they have progressed since the envisioning baseline. Where capacity allows, the Household survey could also be readministered to the groups to strengthen the midline data set. This should be presented back to the community to verify and agree and can be presented at a mid-line review workshop if appropriate.

  • Evaluation and programme review

The same tools will be repeated (FGD, maturity model scores, HHS) with each of the CCMP groups in order to compare holistic change over time and across sites and countries. An end-line review workshop with the church and community will take place to discuss the findings and use the Light Wheel spokes to consider the holistic impact of the process overall.


Who collects?

Partner CCT coordinator with volunteers/staff members and church and community.

This should be then shared with Tearfund.

If Tearfund is playing a catalytic role, the collection will be done by partner denomination trainers/personnel and can be shared with Tearfund at the discretion of the partner. 

Disaggregate by


Important Comments

For more guidance see the Light Wheel 

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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