CCT sustainable Scale Up - Networks

Indicator Phrasing

number of networks who scaled up CCT with their own resources
To be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: number of networks who scaled up CCT with their own resources

Français: To be added later

What is its purpose?

Demonstrating the scale of CCT through measuring the number of different church networks who have 'caught the vision' of CCT and subsequently committing to and resourcing a CCT process independently from Tearfund, as a result of Tearfund catalytic envisioning or influencing from Tearfund.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data


‘Church Network' refers to a group or system of interconnected churches that are non denominational in nature. They do not have an overarching governance system, but instead share similar values and commit to sharing resources (learning, best practices, strategic issues and in some cases financial resources).

This measures the national level. If church networks are also engaged at the regional level this will be tracked separately at the cluster level by TNE and CCT advisers.

‘Church denominations/Church networks who scale up CCT with their own resources' refers to those who are committing to and resourcing a CCT process through budget, staffing or other resources; so that part of their CCT work can at least be maintained if not increased without further external financing.

This counts the national level. If the country office is also engaged with regional church denominations or church networks this is not captured here, it will be tracked separately at the cluster level by TNE and CCT cluster advisers.


Country teams should monitor the amount of financial resources being committed to CCT by church networks themselves as compared to the previous 6 months. 

This should be recorded in the same “Stakeholders mapping” spreadsheet that is used to monitor church denominations and church networks‘ engagement. This mapping should be the result of a joint conversation between country teams, CCT and TNE cluster advisers, in order to facilitate alignment over country support and impact. 

(Cluster and regional level relationships will be monitored separately, between the CCT and TNE cluster advisers). 

This can be collected through asking the denomination’s leadership, checking published annual accounts or through referring to a church denomination’s  strategy or vision. 

Who collects?

CCT coordinators should monitor church denominations at the national level regularly and keep progress updated.

TNE and CCT advisers should provide support in the mapping of church denominations, prioritizing, support and advice for strategic relationship building and monitoring the progress.

Cluster and regional level relationships will be monitored separately, by the CCT and TNE cluster advisers

Important Comments

“Stakeholders mapping” spreadsheet template to be made available soon

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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