Practitioners trained in CCT advocacy and social accountability

Indicator Phrasing

Number of practitioners trained in Church and Community Transformation (“CCT”) advocacy, campaigning or social accountability
to be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of practitioners trained in Church and Community Transformation (“CCT”) advocacy, campaigning or social accountability

Français: to be added later

What is its purpose?

Demonstrating the scale of CCT advocacy through measuring the number of CCT practitioners who have completed training in CCT advocacy, campaigning or social accountability tools as a result of training conducted or funded by Tearfund and/or a Tearfund partner or by allies where Tearfund has played a catalytic role. This indicator provides a proxy measure of the capacity for scale up of local churches, denominations and networks using advocacy as part of their CCT process.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data


‘CCT practitioners’ refers to a term we are using to refer to CCT facilitators, partner staff and Tearfund CCT capacity building staff 

‘CCT Advocacy & Social Accountability training’ refers to a 3 to 5 days training on advocacy foundations, poverty & advocacy, advocacy cycle, steps of CCT advocacy integration and use of different social accountability tools e.g. Social Audits, community score cards, public expenditure tracking tool, among other tools.

To track the number of CCT practitioners who have completed training on CCT advocacy, organisers or trainers should keep an accurate log of all workshop attendees.
These can also be verified through supporting evidence of the workshops such as attendance, training plans, or photographs.
Where possible, it is advisable for trainers to encourage participants to keep in touch and feedback progress when they use any of these tools with local churches, denominations or networks.
Where Tearfund has had a catalytic role, church denominations or other allies should be encouraged to take this approach to help them effectively support trainers.

Who collects?
Training coordinators or trainers should collect attendance of CCT practitioners trained and capture this in trainers' progress reports.
This should then be shared with Tearfund every 6 months. After collecting the data from the trainers, country teams should feed this into the TRACK system where it can be validated by the advocacy advisors and the Social Accountability Advisor. If the Social Accountability Adviser or Advocacy Adviser has conducted training, they should check that this is being recorded at country level reporting.
If Tearfund is playing a catalytic role, the collection will be done by partner denomination trainers/personnel and can be shared with Tearfund at the discretion of the partner.

Important Comments

Advocacy and Social Accountability are pillars to strengthen CCT’s impact and scale up

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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