Advocacy capacity strengthening

Indicator Phrasing

Number of advocacy capacity strengthening initiatives
To be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: Number of advocacy capacity strengthening initiatives

Français: To be added later

What is its purpose?

We want to provide timely and contextually appropriate advocacy capacity strengthening, advice and support to our colleagues and partners [as well as the churches, denominations and networks that we work with].

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Please count the number of advocacy capacity strengthening initiatives that you have provided. In the narrative, please briefly describe each of these capacity strengthening initiatives. Also, you could indicate in the narrative how many participants were trained, if you have this information readily available.


Examples of Advocacy capacity strengthening can include: 

Advocacy Strategy Development:
- Develop, or support development of public policy messages and positions; and global, regional, national or local advocacy strategies for our organisation or our partners.
- Develop, or support development of, advocacy baselines and indicators (using standard indicators where possible) to measure impact of advocacy strategies.
Training and Mentoring:
- Strengthen skills and capacity of church leaders and local faith actors to influence decision-makers.
- Prepare, facilitate and follow up advocacy training, or training of trainers, in person or online.
- Mentor, coach and accompany advocacy colleagues, partners and movement building activists. 
Online E-learning advocacy courses:
- Support the development, trialling and roll-out of online E-learning advocacy course pilots on new and relevant advocacy topics.
- Support the identification of E-learning advocacy trainers, facilitators and mentors.
Advocacy Mainstreaming:
- Integrate advocacy into global, regional and national strategies, programmes, projects and funding proposals for our organisation and partners.
- Integrate advocacy into the mindsets and understanding of colleagues and partners.
- Theological thought leadership and practice.
Election Engagement:
- Provide training, guidance and advice to colleagues and partners before, during and after engagement in elections.


Disaggregate by

This indicator does not tend to be disaggregated.

This guidance was prepared by Tearfund ©

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