Safety in Access

Indicator Phrasing

% of target group members stating that they feel safe when accessing WASH facilities
to be added later

Indicator Phrasing

INDICATOR PHRASING: % of target group members stating that they feel safe when accessing WASH facilities

Français: to be added later

What is its purpose?

In many context, accessing WASH facilities represents for their users an increased protection risk. This indicator therefore measures the percentage of the target group members who feel safe from any types of violence when accessing water, toilets and bathing facilities.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members:



Q1: Can you please show me on this paper the face that represents best how safe you usually feel from any types of violence when you go to collect water? [show the picture provided at the bottom of this page and explain the meaning of each face]

A1 Select one of the following:

1) usually feels very safe

2) usually feels quite safe

3) usually feels quite UNSAFE

4) usually feels very UNSAFE


Q2: Can you please show me on this paper the face that represents best how safe you usually feel from any types of violence when you go to the toilet? [show the picture provided at the bottom of this page and explain the meaning of each face]

A2 Select one of the following:

1) usually feels very safe

2) usually feels quite safe

3) usually feels quite UNSAFE

4) usually feels very UNSAFE


Q3: Can you please show me on this paper the face that represents best how safe you usually feel from any types of violence when you go to the place where you usually bath? [show the picture provided at the bottom of this page and explain the meaning of each face]

A3 Select one of the following:

1) usually feels very safe

2) usually feels quite safe

3) usually feels quite UNSAFE

4) usually feels very UNSAFE


To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents who responded to each question “very safe” or “quite safe” by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to percentages.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age group and location.

Important Comments

1) Ensure that all of your data collectors explain the meaning of each face on the picture / scale in the same way, for example: "The happiest face means that you feel very safe. The face with the smaller smile means that you feel quite safe. The face ... ". Let each data collector practice and ask others to observe whether s/he explains the meaning of the faces correctly. 


2) It is highly recommended that whenever a respondent says that usually s/he feels unsafe, the data collector asks why s/he does not feel safe.


3) If you know that one of the questions is irrelevant due to the respondents having toilet / water tap / bathing place at home where they do not face an increased protection risk, it is possible to exclude this question.


4) In some contexts, your enumerators might encounter people who experienced physical or sexual violence related to accessing WASH facilities. Collecting information about such incidents is sensitive and might pose risks to the respondent as well as to the enumerator. Furthermore, people might find it difficult or not be willing to report on the incidence of violence. As a very minimum, adopt the following measures:

- ensure that the enumerators are familiar with and carry with them Constant Companion listing 1) the main DOs and DON’Ts and 2) contacts for relevant service providers that can provide support to people who experienced violence (see example at the bottom of this site)

- discuss and agree with your team whether the data collectors should be allowed to ask an affected person whether they can inform relevant service provider about her/his situation so that s/he can be contacted by the service provider (i.e. ensuring a referral)

- ensure that all enumerators were trained in the principles of gender-sensitive interviewing and are not from the same communities as the interviewees

- instruct the enumerators to ensure that the interviews are conducted in a place where no one else can hear or observe the respondent (if the enumerators cannot ensure complete privacy, they should skip this part and move to less sensitive parts of the questionnaire)

- instruct the enumerators to re-assure the respondent about the confidentiality of their answers

- train the enumerators to quickly switch the topic if during the interview someone comes near the respondent

- train the enumerators in how to close the topic and move to the next part of your survey in a sensitive manner

- ensure that there is emotional support available to the enumerators



This guidance was prepared by Tearfund from People in Need’s IndiKit guidance ©

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